• 06-07.11.2021 Stage Fédéral U16-U18 n°1

    La Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Rugby a organisé au Stade Josy Barthel, ces samedi et dimanche 6 et 7 octobre 2021, un stage fédéral regroupant les équipes nationales U16 et U18.  Voici la liste des joueurs ayant étés convoqués: U18 U16 Photos du stage: Photo credits: © Walter Fontan...
  • 12.10.2021 Federal training U18 n°1

    La Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Rugby a organisé à Weimerskirch, ce mardi 12 octobre 2021, le premier rassemblement fédéral de son équipe nationale U18.  20 joueurs étaient présents à cet entrainement. Voici quelques photos: Liste ENT 1 LR Jugend U18 Saison 21-22 Photo credits: © Walter Fontan...
  • Calendrier-Calendar 2021-2022

    Voici le calendrier de la saison sportive 2021-22. Here is the calendar for the 2021-22 sports season. Planification sportive 21-22 Attention: le calendrier peut évoluer en cours de saison, merci de votre compréhension Attention: the calendar may change during the season, thank you for your understanding...
  • WORLD RUGBY Regulation 21: Anti-Doping

    Anti-doping programmes seek to protect the health of Players and to provide the opportunity for Players to pursue human excellence without the Use of Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods. Anti-doping programmes seek to maintain the integrity of sport in terms of respect for rules, other competitors, fair competition, a...
  • RUGBY EUROPE communication: Return-to-play guidelines

    To European Rugby Unions in Membership of Rugby Europe March 15th, 2021 Subject: Return to Play Dear Unions, With the gradual easing of various lock-down conditions a return to play protocols now being exercised, Rugby Europe wishes to emphasise the safety guidelines and best practice with everyone’s well-being paramount...
  • 12.11.2020 Suspension temporaire des activités des équipes nationales U14/U16/U18 – Temporary suspension of the activities of the national teams U14/U16/U18

    La Commission sportive de la FLR a décidé de suspendre toutes les activités des équipes nationales U14/U16/U18 (entrainements, stages et rassemblements) jusque fin 2020. Cette décision a été prise dans le but de favoriser et soutenir les activités des CLUBS au vu des difficultés d’organisation liées à la gestion...
  • 20.10.2020 RUGBY EUROPE ANNOUCEMENT – Suspension of all matches planned in 2020

    Tuesday, 20 October 2020: For immediate release  RUGBY EUROPE ANNOUNCES THE SUSPENSION OF ALL MATCHES PLANNED IN 2020 Following the resurgence of COVID-19 pandemic across Europe and local authority restrictions, Rugby Europe has announced a suspension of all matches planned until the end of November 2020. The following games...

    RUGBY EUROPE BOARD OF DIRECTORS DECISIONS ON 2019/2020 COMPETITIONS  Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 After a thorough consultation process with hosts and Unions, Competition Committee Chairman, President and General Secretary, today the following decisions have been made by the Rugby Europe Board of   Directors: To call off the season...
  • U18 XV Development Games in Serbia suspended (11-16 April 2020)

    Thursday, 12 March 2020 – STATEMENT   RUGBY EUROPE ANNOUNCES THE IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION  OF ALL MATCHES AND TOURNAMENTS UNTIL APRIL 15TH, 2020   Following the recent evolution of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) throughout Europe, Rugby Europe has announced a suspension of all its matches and tournaments, from Friday, March 13th  2020 until April...
  • 07.03.2020 Test Match 2 – ASUB Waterloo 25-19 Luxembourg U18

    Test Match 2 – 2019/2020   The Direction Technique Nationale (DTN) of the  Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Rugby (FLR) organized a Test Match for the Letzebuerg Rugby U18 XV National Team against ASUB Rugby Waterloo.  Match was played at Waterloo in BELGIUM on Saturday 7th of March 2020 at 2pm...
  • 03.03.2020 – Federal Training U18 n°7

    La Direction Technique Nationale (DTN) de la Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Rugby (FLR) organise dans le cadre de la formation des joueurs et la mise en place de son Parcours d’Excellence Sportive (PES) l’Entrainement Fédéral U18 n°7 le Mardi 3 Mars 2020 de 18h00 à 19h30 au Stade Boy Konen...
  • 23.11.2019 Test Match 1 – Rugby Baden Wurtemberg 24-7 Luxembourg U18

        Test Match 1 – 2019/2020   The Direction Technique Nationale (DTN) of the  Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Rugby (FLR) organized a Test Match for the Letzebuerg Rugby U18 XV National Team against Rugby Baden Wurtemberg.  Match was played at Heidelberg in GERMANY on Saturday 23rd of November 2019...