Anti-doping programmes seek to protect the health of Players and to provide the opportunity for Players to pursue human excellence without the Use of Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods.
Anti-doping programmes seek to maintain the integrity of sport in terms of respect for rules, other competitors, fair competition, a level playing field, and the value of clean sport to the world.
The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body, and mind. It is the essence of Olympism, the values of rugby, and the pursuit of human excellence through the dedicated perfection of each person’s natural talents. It is how we play true and Keep Rugby Clean. This is reflected in rugby’s values:
- Integrity
- Respect
- Solidarity
- Passion
- Discipline
Doping is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport and the values of rugby.
World Rugby adopted the World Anti-Doping Code (“Code”) in June 2004. Following an international review of the Code by all Signatories a new World Anti-Doping Code 2021 has been agreed with an effective implementation date of 1 January 2021.
All provisions of the Code are mandatory in substance. The mandatory provisions and principles of the Code have been adopted and incorporated into the revised World Rugby Regulation 21.
Autres liens:
Agence Luxembourgeoise Anti-Dopage (ALAD)